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Awakening the Divine Feminine

An opportunity for women to drop deeply into their own undomesticated feminine core self.

250 US dollars

Service Description

Women are insanely busy working, raising children, perhaps caring for parents, tending to spouses and households, running errands, running businesses. We do this so often and with little complaint until the assumption is we can do anything and need help with nothing. This allows very little opportunity for a woman to be present with herself to explore and feel into, her own body, her own emotions, her own desires, her own likes and dislikes. We are constantly bombarded with how we should look, what we should wear, how we should speak to our children, spouses, employers, employees, and even what to eat and what to wear. The list of things we should do and how we should show up for others is endless. Often our friendships are formed by convenience, not genuine connection. At the core of who we are as an undomesticated feminine being we know everything we need to know about who or what to be, and how to be it. We just need time and permission to deeply drop into our own authentic self. We long for true connection to ourselves and to others, free from all the demands of how we should be. This workshop provides women an opportunity to dive deeply into their undomesticated core self and joyously celebrate the beauty and power of who she is with other women who also celebrate her awakening. Included: Cocao Ceremony, Womb Clearing, KunYin, Journaling, Crystal Bowl Sound Bath, and Sharing Circle. Intention: Discover and Awaken the Undomesticated Feminine Self. Materials: Clothing that feels good against your skin, that you feel good in, feels feminine (what ever that means to you) and allows free movement. Anything you may want to place on the alter. Duration: 8 Hours

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